Saturday, December 28, 2019

Process Safety in Oil and Gas Operations- Past, Present...

PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN OIL AND GAS OPERATION: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE DIRECTION 1.0 Introduction Process safety management system (PSM) has received greater attention in the oil and gas industry because of the major memorable accidents that have occurred within the industry and the severity of their impacts on stakeholders. The Bhopal gas tragedy which occurred in December 1984 from the release of methyl Isocyanates (MIC) where over two thousand people died and the Flixborough disaster which also happened on 1974 where about twenty eight workers were killed and thirty six workers suffered from serious injuries alerted the essence of PSM in the operations of not only oil and gas activities but in other process industries (Hackitt†¦show more content†¦Also, due to poor process safety culture, BP didn’t have a process safety audit system which could have revealed all the inherent hazards and risk associated with their operations and for this matter the accident at the Texas City refinery happened (Baker et al 2007).It is obvious that the poor process safety culture made management and operators in the oil and gas sector to under estimate the role process failure could lead to accidents. Again, USW (2007) reports that most Oil and Gas refineries in the United States practice bad process safety systems where most refineries used atmospheric vents on their process units which accounted to the release of untreated flammable and dangerous substances. It continues to report that work tool trailers were located closely to process units thereby exposing them to dangerous conditions and also permitted unqualified workers to work in risky areas during operations. Moreover, plants were modified without thorough risk assessments, failure to conduct pressure test after installing new pipework at Flixborough (Hackitt 2010) was another poor process safety practice. This poor process safety practice was the root cause of the explosion. It can be said that the poor practices of process safety was due to unawareness that processes could go wrong. 2.3 Complex Processes and Plants Design According to Hopkins (2007) the complexity of processes and plants design caused process related accidents to happen.Show MoreRelatedProcess Safety Management Process in Oiland Gas Industry Essay2653 Words   |  11 Pages1.0 INTRODUCTION Process Safety Management in oil and gas operations involves a risk management system that focuses on identifying and controlling the hazards arising from oil and gas Processes.Process safety management in oil and gas operations has proven quite a big challenge for oil and gas operators and stake holders involved in the industry. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Societal Structure Essay - 997 Words

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee explores the consequences of a societal structure founded on bigotry, racism, prejudice, and the hunger for power. Lee employs a variety of literary techniques to portray the consequences of Maycomb’s errant societal structure or even social hierarchy. Thus, Lee uses 1930s Maycomb to critique and evaluate the flaws in her own 1960s America. A particular incident which is central to Lee’s underlying message is the trial of Tom Robinson. Robinson’s trial serves to reveal the institutionalisation of racism and bigotry, as well as the insatiable thirst for power created by the social hierarchy. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses Maycomb to exhibit the faults of a societal structure dependent upon†¦show more content†¦Through the use of Tom Robinson’s trial, Harper Lee suggests that a society founded on principles of hate both alienates and persecutes innocents and those who do not conform to its prejudicial constitution. In sum, this incident reveals the consequences of being a mockingbird in Maycomb, while also conveying Lee’s underlying message of the defects of a society founded on a systemic and institutionalised doctrine of hate. In doing so, Lee criticizes the existing systemic prejudice in the 1960s-social structure of America. Harper Lee, through her book, also denotes the repercussions of a power-based societal structure, in order to highlight the same flaws in her own contemporary society. Tom Robinson’s trial is an incident in which several characters’ craving for power becomes known. One such character is Bob Ewell, Mayella’s father. Lee portrays Bob Ewell as the personification of the hunger for power. Ewell serves to reveal the ironic nature of the town’s social hierarchy. Ewell covets power, his actions and words are all stemmed from his thirst for power and dominance. Ironically, Ewell does not actually acquire supremacy from those above him, but instead targets and attacks those below him, like Tom Robinson and his own daughter. During his questioning, Bob accuses: â€Å"That black nigger yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella! [Page 175]† In just one sentence, BobShow MoreRelatedFinal Film Critique: Crash (2004)2178 Words   |  9 Pagescircumstances and addresses how racial stereotypes and prejudices impact our society by causing a separation of customs, ignoring human and civil rights, and demonstrating how racism can cause moral, cultural and economical suffering. This detailed essay will address the cinematic elements employed throughout the movie, and provide a critical analysis on the various components and techniques used to create this compelling and powerful film. Crash is a movie that involves several different storiesRead MoreInterpretation of the Text13649 Words   |  55 Pages We can read it as a form of history, biography, or autobiography. We can read it as an example of linguistic structures or rhetorical conventions manipulated for special effect. We can view it as a material product of the culture that produced it. We can see it as an expression of beliefs and values of a particular class. We can also see a work of literature as a selfcontained structure of words - as writing that calls attention to itself, to its own images and forms. Viewed in this light, literature

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Lord Byron Poet Analysis Essay Example For Students

Lord Byron Poet Analysis Essay Mostly for his distant cousin, Mary Chart, which had sunk so deep Into his mind as to give color to all his future life (Moore). Byron wrote many poems of his situation involving his love for Mary, and his constant wish for it to be returned (Propellant). In a great deal of Lord Borons poetry, there is a noticeable correlation in theme, symbolism, and personification, which all point to his ever-present, single- sided love. Unrequited love Is a common theme In a multiple of Borons poems. Byron knew hat his love, Mary, did not return his passionate feelings, but In fact had promised herself to another (Propellant). Though she loved another, Byron could not remove Mary from his thoughts and often fantasized about their relationship, as he does in his many poems (Propellant). In the poem fittingly called, The Dream, Byron tells of a dream he had about his beloved, in which he cynically points out the fact that she does not love him. He writes, What could her grief be? -?she had all she loved, And he who had so loved her was not there (The Dream Poem). Byron wonders why is beloved, Mary, is upset for she apparently had all she loved, which Byron continues to convey that he is not among the ones of which she loves. Byron dwells on his unreturned love, calling himself an ill-repressed affliction (The Dream Poem). This struggle is also seen in his other poems, such as the Translation of a Romantic Love Song, in which he describes the agonies of Love, and how he is captured by his lone passion to ensue In a fatal fire. He writes, My curdling blood, my maddening brain, In silent anguish I sustain And still thy heart, without partaking One pang, exults while mine is breaking (Translation Of A Romantic). Without partaking is the key phrase in this stanza, for it identifies that his beloved did not share his consuming passion, and therefore she feels little to no hurt while he suffers the anguish of a broken heart. From his love experience with Mary, Byron committed many of his poems to the theme of unrequited love. Because of his ensuing bout of one-sided love, Lord Byron strongly desires true love from another, which he symbolizes as a tear. Audibly, Borons poem, The Tear, introduces this symbolism, which is apparent in many of his other poems. In The TVA Byron describes, The lips may beguile with a dimple or a smile, But the test of affections a Tear (The Tear By). What he means is: a smile, though nice, can easily be manipulated and deceiving, while a tear is the true test of ones affections because It Is a created through such strong emotions, like love. In the last few lines of The Tear, Byron begs, All I ask all I wish Is a Tear, which shows his deep desire for someone to express the true affection of love for him. The relation of his desire is seen in his poem, And Wilt Thou Weep When I am Low? where Byron asks his beloved Lady to weep for him, in which he really means for her to express her love for him by shedding a tear. In many other poems he mentions tears, such as in The Dream and When We Two Parted. In The Dream he recounts his love as having as love. As for When We Two Parted, Byron writes about parting with his beloved, in which he says, When we two parted In silence and tears, Half broken-hearted To sever for years (Romantic Poems). .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf , .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .postImageUrl , .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf , .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf:hover , .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf:visited , .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf:active { border:0!important; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf:active , .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0ed071cc7285fb1e5c3913dce84351cf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Generalizations about children's books ; children's reading EssayHis beloved, of course, in this poem does not return his love for the pair is only half broken-hearted, meaning he is alone in his sorrow, and weeps alone pouring out his love. In many of Borons poems he begs for a tear to show him that another loves him, likewise he weeps alone sharing his love with no one. Love is definitely something that Lord Byron holds dear and dubs very important. In his works, such as The Tear and Translation of a Romantic Love Song, Byron gives love a capital l, which signifies its importance. In The Tear, Byron also capitalizes he words friendship and truth, in which he writes, Sweet scene of my youth! Seat of Friendship and Truth, Where Love chased each fast-fleeting year. At the time of Borons youth, he explains, friendship and trust were easy to find and ready to stay, while love always fled from him. With his use of capitalization, Byron deems love, truth, and friendship as persons, which highlight their importance in his works. Love continues to be personified in Translation of a Romantic Love Song. In this poem Byron also writes, That Love had arrows well I knew; Alas! I find them poisons too. Byron means to say that he knew love was risky, but not deadly as it has proven to be in the harsh reality of his unreturned love for Mary. He also writes, The lightning of Loves angry glance, presenting love as a severe passion, which can readily burn the heart, as it has to him. Through this personification, Byron articulates the powerful qualities of love and the strength it has over him, as well as others. In Borons poems he expresses the shared importance of love and its qualities though personification.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Childbirth in the Australian Context

Question: Discuss about the Childbirth in the Australian Context ? Answer : Introducation It is important for a pregnant woman to understand the nutritional requirements for the proper development of the fetus and in order to maintain maternal health. Several changes to the diet are required so that all the nutritional needs of the developing fetus are met and food deficiencies do not compromise the health of the mother and the fetus. But just as undernourishment is harmful, overweight and obesity during pregnancy have to be avoided. Consumption of foods from all the five groups has to be ensured. Intake of Calcium, Iron and Folate and Zinc are important to meet the developmental needs of the fetus. Weight gain through the duration of the pregnancy should be gradual and consistent. Undue increase in weight can occur if high calorie foods containing saturated fats and sugar are consumed. Junk foods that are high in added salt have to be avoided too. Counselling of pregnant mothers through short lessons on nutrition is an effective method for disseminating information and a nswering questions about nutrition that expectant mothers might have. The aim of the lesson is to educate expectant mothers in Australia about the importance of taking a balanced diet and ensuring that their own nutritional needs and the nutritional requirements of the fetus are met. As a result of attending the lesson the participants will be able to - explain the importance of consumption of fruits and vegetables - describe how important it is to consume dairy and proteins - enlist the foods that contain grains - express the importance of drinking water - identify foods that may contain excess salt, sugar or saturated fats or bacterial pathogens. It is important for expectant mothers to take a balanced diet for the proper development of the fetus. On the one hand food must be rich in nutrients like folate, iron and vitamins and on the other consumption of excess calorie rich foods can cause gestational weight gain (Bookari, Yeatman, Williamson, 2016). An assessment of the knowledge and adherence to guidelines on diet yielded results that were not satisfactory. Although pregnant women were highly motivated and understood the importance of nutrition, their adherence to proper nutrition was poor (Bookari, Yeatman, Williamson, 2017). The information about the necessity to meet the dietary recommendations of micronutrients like iodine was found to be inadequate. The health professionals require more training in how to to counsel pregnant women about meeting dietary recommendations (Lucas, Charlton, Brown, Brock, Cummins, 2014). The importance of nutrition education programs has been felt across population subgroups and expectan t mothers form an important subgroup (Hendrie, Coveney, Cox, 2008). The unmet need of balance between nutrition and physical activity during pregnancy can cause overweight and obesity. It has been found that only 50% of pregnant women receive counselling on nutrition causing low consumption of fruit and higher consumption of sugar containing soft drinks and unhealthy take-away meals (de Jersey, Nicholson, Callaway, Daniels, 2013). It is important that when a brochure on nutrition is given to the client, instructions about how to refer to the information should be a part of the counselling by the midwife. If the brochure is handed over and not referred to during the counselling it is very unlikely that the client will follow the instructions printed in the brochure (Geraghty, Lindsay, Alberdi, McAuliffe, Gibney, 2015). Among pregnant adolescents the knowledge about healthy eating is there but they find it difficult to give up unhealthy foods. If they are trained in the company of other adolescents as their peers to choose better foods, given lessons in cooking and choosing affordble and healthy foods, they are more likely to adhere to advice about nutrition (Wise, 2015). The major nutritional requirements during pregnancy can be met by consumption of vegetables and legumes. A variety of vegetables of different colours should form part of the diet. More than 7 servings of fruit a day should be part of the dietary intake. Grain (preferably whole) is a source of energy and can be obtained from cereals, polenta, pasta, rice, pasta or noodles. Lean meat, such as, poultry or tofu and beans/legumes are good sources of nutritional protein. An adequate intake of dairy products that include milk, yoghurt or cheese also ensures optimal health of pregnant mothers and the fetus. Drinking plenty of water is necessary. It is recommended that expectant mothers should reduce the intake of saturated fats, added sugar and salt. Foods that can contain these ingredients are chips, biscuits, processed meats, cakes, pies and pastries. It is a healthy practice to avoid popular junk food, such as, pizzas and burgers crisps, potato chips and fried and savoury packaged snacks. Rather than consuming saturated fats it is better to consume mono- and poly-unsaturated fats that can be obtained from nuts, sedds, nut butters, avocados and olives. It is important to red food labels carefully and avoid buying and consuming foods that have higher salt content. With careful selection it is possible to buy foods that have lower concentration of salt. Several categories of drinks contain high amounts of added sugar. These include soft drinks, fruit juices, energy and sports drinks, confectionary and compotes - these drinks are best avoided because they provide hardly any nutritional benefits but add a lot of calorie count to one's intake. It is important for pregnant women to avoid alcohol altogether. Important guidelines also address the issue of food safety, since pregnant women are at a higher risk of food poisoning, they should avoid consumption of food that is likely to contain pathogens. Bean sprouts should be consumed only after thorough cooking, sandwich meats and soft cheeses like feta and camembert are best not consumed. Raw eggs or half-cooked eggs may be contaminated with Salmonella. Several varieties of fish may be contaminated with mercury and may be consumed in small quantities once a week or once a fortnight only. Hard cheeses can be safely consumed. It is important to ensure intake of fibre through the consumption of fruits and vegetables to prevent constipation, a common occurrence during pregnancy (/n55h_healthy_eating_during_pregnancy.pdf, 2013). The use of various kinds of teaching aids that may be visual or audio-visual are necessary because these form concrete experiences that accelerate learning and are likely to be retained by the learner for a longer period. The use of audio-visual aids in the dissemintion of nutrition information to pregnant women can be effective. Rather than using abstarct imagination concrete perceptual images deliver the message more effectively. Teaching aids can include power point presentations with pictures. Videos can be embedded in the presentation or shown separately. Flip charts, black boards, white boards, flash cards, posters and bulletin boards can be used as visual teaching aids. Paper handouts, brochures, pamphlets and flash cards can be used to disseminate information. Projector slides or transparencies can also be used effectively as visual aids (Weiss, et al., 2016). Title of lesson: Nutrition in pregnancy The lesson will last for 15 minutes and shall consist of the following: -welcoming the participants of the program followed by an overview of the nutrition information session. - the participants will introduce each other and name one healthy favourite food - a video titiled 'healthy pregnancy diet' will be played for the participants - participants will be encouraged to ask questions about diet and nutrition -participants will be engaged in a role play where a conversation between the doctor and the mother will be enacted on why calcium, iron and folate are important in the diet of a pregnant woman. -comments will be invited - after a discussion on the comments handouts of the Australian Guidelines on healthy eating during pregnancy will be distributed -participants will be asked for a verbal and written feedback on the session and any questions about the nutrition of pregnant women will be answered. - Participants will be thanked for attending the session. -Improvements if suggested by the participants will be incorporated in future sessions. In conclusion, the dissemination of important information through a guided lesson in a group can answer the questions that expectant mothers may have. A group lesson promotes the exchange of ideas amongst the prticipants. Adherence to nutritional guidelines is more likely once the various aspects of the five food groups are discussed. Dissipation of information through an audio visual aid such as a video lasts longer in the memory of the participants of the program. The five important groups of food- vegetables, beans, fruits, protein, eggs, fatty fish, whole grains and water ensure that the bioavilability of vitamins and minerals is maintained in the diet. Aspects of food safety, such as, staying away from mercury containing sea-food, identifying foods like raw eggs and sprouts that may harbour bacteria are importnt precautions to be kept in mind by the pregnant women. A diet rich in fibre can prevent constipation. A lesson plan and a discussion are effective means of counselling pr egnant women about dietary precautions to be followed. References /n55h_healthy_eating_during_pregnancy.pdf. (2013). Retrieved from Bookari, K., Yeatman, H., Williamson, M. (2016). Exploring Australian womens level of nutrition knowledge during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Women's Health, 8: 405419. Bookari, K., Yeatman, H., Williamson, M. (2017). Falling short of dietary guidelines - What do Australian pregnant women really know? A cross sectional study. Women Birth, 30(1):9-17. de Jersey, S., Nicholson, J., Callaway, L., Daniels, L. (2013). An observational study of nutrition and physical activity behaviours, knowledge, and advice in pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Child Birth, 13:115. Geraghty, A., Lindsay, K., Alberdi, G., McAuliffe, F., Gibney, E. (2015). Written nutrition communication in midwifery practice: what purpose does it serve? Nutrition and Metabolic Insights, 8(Suppl 1): 4147. Hendrie, G., Coveney, J., Cox, D. (2008). Exploring nutrition knowledge and the demographic variation in knowledge levels in an Australian community sample. Public Health Nutrition, 11(12):1365-71. Lucas, C., Charlton, K., Brown, L., Brock, E., Cummins, L. (2014). Antenatal shared care: are pregnant women being adequately informed about iodine and nutritional supplementation? The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 54(6):515-21. . Weiss, I., Stepanovic, S., Chinyemba, U., Bateman, J., Hemminger, C., Burrows, E. (2016). Use of a Nutrition Behavior Change Counseling Tool: Lessons from a Rapid Qualitative Assessment in Eastern Zambia. Frontiers in Public Health, 4:179. Wise, N. (2015). Pregnant Adolescents, Beliefs About Healthy Eating, Factors that Influence Food Choices, and Nutrition Education Preferences. Journal of Midwifery aand Women's Health, 60(4):410-8.